b'Northern IsraelWhat do all of the following people have in common?-A family with 3 special-needs kids who their beds that needed a washer and dryer -A woman that left her abusive huband who needed beds for her 3 children -A 70-year-old dialysis patient needing an electric bed -A woman with a sick husband who needed vocational training to provide for her 5 children -A 9-month-old baby girl with cancer needing to travel to a hospital for chemo -A Holocaust survivor living with her special-needs son needing a washing machine -A divorcee (was a battered wife) with 2 children needing beds for their new apartment -A young boy needing transportation to get to specialized treatments for his cancerThey are among the 101 families (including 52 Holocaust Survivorssee page 39) thatlive in northern Israel that in 2018receivedassistancefromtheGalilaEmergency AssistanceTrust(GEAT)thatassistsfamiliesand individuals in distress by providing one-time grants in order tohelpinmomentsofcrisisanddistress.Thefunds volunteercommitteereviewstherequeststhatcomefrom municipal social workers who focus on cases where a one-time grant can help a person get back on their feet. The fund mainly helps children from families in distress, single moms and the elderly. The funds are transferred to the entity or provider handlingthecasetoensurethegrantisusedforits intended purpose.The people we help are residents of the towns of Shlomi, Akko, Nahariya, Karmiel, Tzfat, Maalot and northern Galilee Kibbutzim and Moshavim. Life in the northern Galilee is particularly hard because of the memory and fear of Hezbollah attacks. Many individuals living in this area of Israel are employed, but barely earn a living.Employmentopportunitiesarefew,salarylevelsarelow,andmanyparentsareunableto assist their children with ANY needed extra expenditure.Similar to HOTs other Emergency Funds, grants are only made if all other sources of funding have been exhausted.Galilacullsthelistapprovedbythe committee and sends it to HOT for final review and approval. Since the needs of the families in this part of Israelgo far beyond what HOT can allocate out ofitsundesignatedfunds,HOTneeds$27,701in designatedgiftsinordertoapproveadditional requestswhereoftenafewhundreddollarscan change the lives of an individual or a family. The list gets longer and longer and these people need OUR help.14'