b"Repairing Homes and Families in Israel The non-profit organization Tenufa Bakehila (RHF) works with Israels neediest families providing urgent home repair to dilapidated homes and supplying professional guidance to overcome personal and family challenges.These struggling families are often in a spiraling path of emotional, medical, and financial deterioration. RHFs mission is to help repair the home and simultaneously assist with the family's struggles, empowering them to live happier.RHFhasafull-timestaffofplumbers, electricians,painters, handymen, etc. This staff, and their relationships with suppliers, permitsthemtomakethenecessaryrenovationstomake apartments in unimaginable condition habitable at a fraction of the cost that would be charged by outside contractors. Additionally, they have a social worker on staff who works with the family, or individual, whose apartment is being renovated. HOT sfirstprojectwithRHFwas theconversionofabathtub into a shower in the apartment of a wheelchair bound woman who was at risk each time she was helped over the edge of the tub into a chair in the tub. She lived in the apartment with her unemployed 24-yearolddaughter.TheRHFsocialworkerworkedwiththe daughter while the work crew made the apartment wheelchair friendly. Now the apartment is safe, and with the social workers help, the daughter is now employed. RHF assists approximately 250 families a year but gets annual requests for hundreds more.RHFs wish list includes: $16,620inmultiplesof$1,662to buy the supplies to do an average repair$30,470forasecondsocial worker to insure each family they work with gets the attention they need$33,240for3smallusedwork vehicles@$11,080percarto replacecarsconstantlybreaking down 16"