b'Disaster Strikes Haiti AGAIN6 years after being hit with the devastating earthquake, Hurricane Matthew turned away fromwhatwouldhavebeenadirecthitto southeast Florida, and for a few hours stalled over southern Haiti. The southern part of this countryof11,000,000peoplewasagain crippled. Poorly constructed houses and huts that again replaced similar structures (if you wanttocallthemthat)destroyedbythe earthquakeweresweptaway.Choleraran rampant and the same people who suffered 6 years earlier were desperate for help. ButhowcouldHOThelptheHaitian people? HOT was concerned that any supplies we purchased or money we sent would end up with either government officials, or middlemen who control much of the commerce. We sought out the one partner who we could trust to make sure what we sent would ALL end up with those in need, the Archdiocese of Miami. Additionally, as HOT always tries to lever its grants, we also partnered with Bnai Torah Congregation in Boca Raton. A Challenge Grant fromHOTandalistofsuppliesreadontheholiestnightoftheJewishyear,bythe synagogues Rabbi, David Steinhardt resulted in HOTs $36,000 becoming $72,000 AND on the Sunday following the Rabbis reading the list $200,000 of supplies were brought to the synagogue.Almost1,000(yes,almost1,000) people came to the synagogue on Sunday. They brought everything on the list.We kept sending outformorepallets.Wekeptsendingoutfor moreshrinkwrap.WhenaddedtowhatHOT bought with the $72,000, there were a total of 72 pallets.$36,000leveragedtomorethan $250,000.$36,000fromHOTgrewtoover$250,000. More than 7-1 leverage.Buttheleveragewasactuallyfargreaterthan7-1becausetheArchdiocesetook responsibility for loading the 72 pallets on a ship, getting someone to ship for free, off-loading, trucking to a central warehouse and then trucking to 6 distribution points. 52'