b'Volunteers Feeding the Hungry and Helping Troubled Teens in Israel Shachen Tovin English, Good Neighbor Association (GNA)was started 20 years ago this coming July by a group of students at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. It feeds almost 1,000 families every weekandperformsothersocialservicefunctionsrangingfrom tutoringandrunningatextbooklibraryforchildren,tofriendly visiting for lonely elders. Three things make this organization unique: First, is that it has no employees. It is run 100% by volunteers. Second, is that while it was started by college students and continues tobepredominantlyacollegestudentorganization,manyofits volunteers have finished college but still continue to volunteer. And third, it recognizes that while the elderly and the disabled must be helped for life, families that include one or more healthy parent should not receive continuous aid. Families with one or more healthy parent are told up front that they will be getting food for a maximum of one year.In Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and 5 other cities in Israel, GNA is feeding the unemployed and the underemployed who, without their help, would go to sleep with empty stomachs. Additionally, GNAhastakenvolunteeringtoanewlevelbyhelpingindigentpeopletodevelopself-confidence by encouraging them to give the only thing they have to offertime to help others.In addition to grants for food, we made a $16,600 grant forfurnishingsandoneyearofprogramexpensesfor GNA to establish a multi-room destination in Jerusalem where troubled teens come in to talk out their problems in a relaxed Coffee Shop type setting with either social workers (paid by the City) or with GNA volunteers not mucholderthanthemselves.Thisprojectwasso successful that they opened a second youth club and we made a $7,150 grant to help them with their first year of operations and both of these programs continue to run successfully run with GNA finding other funding after the initial year of operation. We have increased our grant for food to 20,000 shekels a month (a rate of $66,482 a year) through June 30, 2019 but that still leaves a shortage of approximately $75,000 that GNA needs to raise to continue to feed the 2,600 people it currently feeds. GNA has the volunteer manpower to distribute enough food to supply 250 additional familyunitswiththesupplementalfooditneedstoensureparents,children,singles (including the elderly and infirm) have sufficient nutritional meals for a year. They have ZERO overhead, dedicated volunteers and buy food at discounted prices.GNAs wish is to feed more people. On average $780. How much does HOT want you to designate to GNA? As much as you can in multiples of $780. 17'