4 HOT Continuing Financial Aid for Seniors HOT provides Continuing Financial Aid to Seniors who have simply outlived their funds and do not get sufficient governmental aid to live with dignity. Many of the people we help in these programs are survivors of the Holocaust: 1 - Seniors in New York City (p. 37) 2 - Seniors in Boca Raton (pages 39-40) 3 - Holocaust Survivors in Northern Israel (p. 41) HOT Feeds the Hungry in Different Ways There is hunger throughout the world and HOT is dedicated to fighting it. 1 - Weekly chickens for poor families in Jerusalem, Israel (p. 7) 2 - Indigent families of the Israeli Border Patrol (p. 8) 3 - Thousands of sandwiches for hungry schoolchildren in Israel (pages 9-10) 4 - Weekend food for Children in Boca Raton (p. 11) 5 - Daily service of hot meals and distribution of food in Boca Raton (p. 11) 6 - Harvesting the Fields for millions of pounds of produce in Israel (p. 12) 7 - Feeding the hungry with meals made from leftovers from tens of thousands of institutional meals in Israel (p. 12) 8 - Feeding the hungry in Sderot, Israel (p. 13) 9 - Three Cent Meals in Kenya (p. 16) 10 - Food for families in cities and towns in Israel (p. 20) HOT Fights Poverty We help both individuals and families who do not have: 1 - Basic furniture (cribs, beds, etc.) and appliances - Indigent Families of the Israeli Border Patrol (p. 8) 2 - Water tanks for drinking water in Kenya (p. 16) HOT Gives Scholarships We believe the only way to stop the endless cycle of Poverty is through education. 1 - Giving Moms in Guatemala the opportunity to help themselves and their children (p.15) 2 - Migrant Workers and other Poor in Boynton Beach (p. 19) HOT After School Programs for Immigrant Elementary School Children at Risk We have to help the young who have language and other cultural barriers and/or no support at home after school. 1 - Sderot, Israel (p. 13) 2 - Netanya, Israel (p. 27) 3 - Delray Beach (p. 28)