b'Helping Discharged IDF Soldiers from Disadvantaged Backgrounds Everyyear,approximately1,200soldiersfromdisadvantagedbackgroundsaredischarged fromtheIDFonlytoreturntotheirhigh-riskenvironments,andhavedifficulties transitioning back to civilian life. Many do not have a home to return to or family upon whom they can rely. They return to the social, emotional andfinancialchallengesoftheiroldlives.Amit LaDerech (A Friend Alongside) helps these former soldiers at a critical juncture in their lives.A Friend Alongside integrates these former soldiers from disadvantagedbackgroundsintocivilianlifeby strengtheningtheirpersonalskillsandabilitieswhich helps them become contributing members of society. A FriendAlongsidehelpstheseformersoldiersattain stableemployment,highereducation,confidenceandself-realizationbymentoringthem, guiding them, and helping them with seminars and scholarships.HOTmadeitsfirstgrantinJune2017to finance the training of 15 additional mentors to guidetheformersoldiers.Thereisnocookie cutterwaytosuccessfullymentorformer soldierswithdiversebackgroundsand experiences. Each mentor is taught to recognize theuniquenessoftheformersoldiersneeds and are in touch with their mentees on a daily basistohelpthemgainthetoolstointegrate into civilian life. Last year, A Friend Alongside determined that it would be more effective to work with the soldiers after their discharge if A Friend Alongside started mentoring them before going into the army and created a six-month Pre-Induction Program.HOT would like to assist A Friend Alongside in their efforts. Please consider: $7,174 or any part for soft landing kits which include the basics of civilian life$8,608 for a Financial Aid Fund$14,124 to increase the hours of a part time Alumni Manager who does follow up and assistance for all graduates of the program 16'