b'HOT Emergency Assistance Programs in Boca Raton and Delray Beach Many individuals and families have trouble paying for their most basic needs. The Financial Assistance Coordinator at Ruth and Norman Rales Jewish Family Service (JFS) comes to HOT with their most dire situations. We discuss the case history and only make a grant if we are satisfied (i) as to the legitimacy and reasonableness of the request and (ii) that all other sources of funding have been exhausted. HOT has provided funds so that JFS can buy hearing-aids to improve quality of life; pay for dental work necessary to prevent daily pain; pay an electric bill that needs immediate payment beforethelightsgoout,hasfundedrent,mortgagepayments,utilitybills,child-care, medications, car repairs, clothing and school supplies. HOT has helped the young, the elderly, the infirmed, and those with debilitating diseases. Michael needed a new wheelchair lift for his van. After years of replacing parts and making repairs on his 20-year old lift, he was in desperate need of a new one. The HOT/JFS Emergency FinancialAssistanceProgrampaid$3,000forthenew wheelchair lift.Since receiving his new wheelchair lift, he has had major improvement in his mobility and quality of life. CharlesandJohnarebrotherswholivetogetherinDelray Beach. Charlesisdevelopmentallydisabled,andJohnhas serioushealthissues.TheirsoleincomeisSocialSecurity Disability which just covers their living expenses.When their air conditioning unit stopped working,theycalledtheirChurchtofindoutifitcouldhelpthemreplaceit. Thechurch couldnt fund all that was needed and told them to reach out to JFS.Charles and John made anappointmentforthenextday.TheHOT/JFSEmergencyFinancialAssistanceProgram added to what the church gave and paid for a new A/C unit.HOTmadegrantsof$24,206toJFSthathave beenmatchedbyJFSfromothersources, permitting$48,412ofemergencygrantsthathas been used to fund specific cases.HOTs share of whatwasneededtomeettheemergenciesof families and individuals in need has been as little as$347andasmuchas$2,500.Therearemore peoplewithemergencyneedsthanthereismoneytohelpthem.Weneedtohave sufficientfundingforourhalfofalltheemergencyneedsthatpeoplecometoJFS seeking. We would like to see our donors designate up to $30,000 for this fund. Your gift will fund one-time emergency needs that you would fund in a second, if you only knew about them.HOT and JFS will be your eyes and your ears, and your designated gift to HOT will be matched by JFS and will be life altering.13'