b'The Gaza WarInJune2014,62rocketsmissileswerefiredfrom GazaintoIsrael.InthefirstweekofJuly,another170 were fired into Israel.By the time a lasting cease-fire had been reached late in the summer, approximately 3,900 rocketshadbeenfiredagainstIsraelitownsandtheir residents. Throughout Hamas relentless attacks, HOT and its partners jointly determined what needed to be IMMEDIATELY done, we triaged, we prioritized. Working without any redtape,wewereabletoIMMEDIATELYwiretheneededfundingtoallowour partners to IMMEDIATELY purchase what was critically needed for the many victims of the war.Throughout the HOT News you have seen many instances where we worked with our Israeli partnerstoassistduringthewar.Forexample,inSderot(seepage12),withcontinuous attacks being launched from literally right next door (Sderot is 8 miles from Gaza City, and less than 1 mile from the border with Gaza), running for shelter in 14 seconds many times a day was the alternative to living in the shelters.We helped to equip the shelters with food and ensured that children being terrorized by these attacks would have normal, fun activities while taking shelter.WhilehelpingourpartnersinAshkelon(seep.33),8milesfromtheGazaborder,HOT donorswerepartofthemostcriticalworkwehave ever done.By paying to rewire over 100 shelters to bring them operational, we insured that many who wouldhaveotherwisebeentakingcoverin stairwellsduringattackscouldbeprotectedina reinforced shelter.This protected lives! Whenwerefertopartnerswearenotjusttalking about organizations in these Southern Israel cities. Our partners are throughout the country, and HOT was able to be a catalyst for bringing many of them together to offer respite for those relegated to the shelters to increase the supply of food being sent into these areas and much more.These are just a few of the examples of the things we were able to do with $517,000 sent by HOTs donors to specifically address the many needs that arose during the war.The full list is far more extensive.Many of you received my Sunday night emails during the war that gave incremental updates on the work we were doing.On page 57, we summarized all the grants we made during the war. ThosewhohavefollowedHOTthroughouttheyears(orwhohavereadtheHOTNews) should recognize this model.In many other crisis situations, we were similarly there among the very first responders.51'